The steps to cancel your membership varies depending on on two factors:

1. Where you signed up: either on the web (, or in the mobile app

2. What your status is: if you are in the middle of your free trial, or an active paid membership

For full instructions on how to cancel, select the appropriate guide for your situation below.  

Cancel Free Trial on Web

You have the option to cancel your free trial immediately via your Billing Page by clicking "Cancel Trial".  Once you’ve canceled your free trial, your account will be downgraded to our Limited (free) membership. You will not be charged.

If you signed up for a trial membership but do not see the "Cancel Trial" link on your Billing page, you may be accidentally signed into a different account. Follow the troubleshooting steps in this article, or drop us a line here.

Cancel Free Trial in Apple App Store

IMPORTANT: If you’ve started your free trial via Apple, you’ll need to cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the trial period to avoid being charged for the annual subscription.

  1. On the Going app, head to your Billing Page and select Cancel Free Trial
  2. You’ll then be routed to your Apple ID subscription settings.
  3. Tap on Going.
  4. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.
  5. Review the cancellation and select Confirm

To cancel on your computer, or to learn more about managing Apple app subscriptions, visit Apple’s help page here. Due to Apple's privacy restrictions, all membership and billing changes must be made directly through the Apple App Store. Going's support team is unable to make any account changes for Apple-managed memberships.

Cancel Free Trial in Google Play

IMPORTANT: If you’ve started your free trial via Google Play, you’ll need to cancel at least 24 hours before the end of the trial period to avoid being charged for the annual subscription.

  1. On the Going app, head to your Billing Page and select Cancel Free Trial
  2. You’ll then be routed to your Google Play subscription settings.
  3. Select the subscription you want to cancel (Going)
  4. Tap Cancel Subscription.
  5. Follow the instructions.

To cancel on your computer, or to learn more about managing Google app subscriptions, visit Google’s help page here. Due to Google's privacy restrictions, all membership and billing changes must be made directly through the Google Play Store. Going's support team is unable to make any account changes for Google-managed memberships.

Cancel Paid Membership on Web

Please head to your Billing Page to cancel your paid membership. Depending upon your last renewal date, you will see a button near the top of that screen that says Cancel Membership.

If you have a paid membership but do not see the "Cancel Membership" button on your Billing Page, you may be accidentally signed into a different account. Follow these troubleshooting steps in this guide, or drop us a line here.

Note: As an Elite or Premium member, unsubscribing from emails does not automatically cancel your paid membership. You can read more about unsubscribing here. Additionally, deleting your account is also not the same as canceling your paid account. You can read more about deletion here.

Cancel Paid Membership in Apple App Store
  1. On the Going app, head to your Billing Page and select Cancel Membership
  2. You’ll then be routed to your Apple ID subscription settings.
  3. Tap on Going.
  4. Tap Cancel Subscription. You might need to scroll down to find the Cancel Subscription button. If there is no Cancel button or you see an expiration message in red text, the subscription is already canceled.
  5. Review the cancellation and select Confirm

To cancel on your computer, or to learn more about managing Apple app subscriptions, visit Apple’s help page here. Due to Apple's privacy restrictions, all membership and billing changes must be made directly through the Apple App Store. Going's support team is unable to make any account changes for Apple-managed memberships.

Cancel Paid Membership in Google Play
  1. On the Going app, head to your Billing Page and select “Cancel Membership”.
  2. You’ll then be routed to your Google Play subscription settings.
  3. Select the subscription you want to cancel.
  4. Tap Cancel Subscription.
  5. Follow the instructions.

To cancel on your computer, or to learn more about managing Google app subscriptions, visit Google’s help page here. Due to Google's privacy restrictions, all membership and billing changes must be made directly through the Google Play Store. Going's support team is unable to make any account changes for Google-managed memberships.

Cancel Link Doesn't Appear on My Billing Page

If you have a paid membership but do not see a link to cancel on your Billing Page, you are most likely signed into a Limited (free) account that you created accidentally. This often occurs when members use Google or Apple single-sign-on to log in quickly, and select an alternate email address rather than the one connected to their paid account.

  • First, take a look at the email address shown on your Login & Security Page, and identify if you have any other email addresses that may be linked to your paid account.
  • We then suggest logging out of Going and logging back in with your other email.
  • After logging in with your other address, take a look at your Billing Page and see if your trial, Premium, or Elite membership is displayed. If it is, you should also then see a link to cancel.

Read more about troubleshooting this issue in this article - if you try these steps are still are unable to locate your paid account, please reach out to our support team here.

Request a Refund

You can read about our refund policy and more in this article.

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