Why doesn't my airport get more deals?

We search for deals from nearly every major international airport daily, and the number of deals we send out depends on the seat sales airlines have available, and how many of those deals meet our rigorous quality standards.

Some larger airports, like Atlanta or Dallas-Fort Worth, tend to see fewer deals than others on average. This happens when a major airline effectively holds a monopoly on the airport, preventing competition and keeping flight prices fixed.

If you live in a smaller town or your local airport isn't an international hub, we highly recommend updating your departure airport settings to track one or more major airports nearby (if you need ideas, our Member Success team is happy to recommend some options!). This will open up opportunities to score more and better deals.

We also suggest following larger hubs (think JFK, LAX, ORD) to get more deals. If you see a great deal from a different airport, you can grab a cheap repositioning flight from your smaller home airport, then fly overseas. Often, this still saves money overall!

Check out these guides to learn more:

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