Yes! Find your perfect deal with these filters:

🏝 Filter by month. Get the deals that align with your vacation timeline
✈️ Filter by departure airport. See the deals departing from only your favorite airports
💰 Filter by price. Get only the deals that fit into your budget
🛫 Filter by airline. Include the airlines you like, and exclude the ones you don't
🧳 Filter by stops. Only like nonstop deals? We like them too!
💺 Filter by seating class. See deals specifically in economy, premium economy, business, and first-class (Elite members only)
🌎 Filter by deal type. Drill down by domestic and international as well as by deals emailed to you and Mistake Fares

Filter Deals on Web Filter Deals on Mobile App

To filter your deals on, head to your Deals page. On that page, you can use the drop downs shown here to add your desired filters:

Screenshot 2024-02-23 at 11.05.45 AM.png

Once you've chosen the filters that suit your needs, you have the option to sort by featured or by price.

Can I save my filters?

Yes, you can save your filters by choosing your filters and then clicking the “save” button. This will create a list of personalized deals that meet your specific trip criteria, which you can review anytime you log in. You can make up to 15 saved filters, and they will sit above your filter options to review anytime. To edit, click the pencil icon.

*Note: Saved Filters are only available on (not in the mobile app). Though you can add filters in the app, you cannot save them at this time.

Can I filter for specific travel dates?

We don't have a feature that curates a specific itinerary. Filters will instead allow you to search for deals during specific months, not specific dates.

Do the filters apply to my deal emails?

Your emails aren’t changing. The filters only affect your logged-in website experience. You'll still receive email notifications of all the deals we find, based on your departure airports and your membership tier.

So head on over to your Deals page and explore your filters! If you book a deal, let us know so we can celebrate with you 🙌

PS. Here are some resources to help you get Going!

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